February 10, 2025

Highway Department

Highway Shop

Goals: Complete all of the projects in the county to make roads and bridges safer for the public. We will use preventative maintenance for roads and bridges instead of being reactive when it falls apart.

Mission: Plan-rebuild-operate-maintain a safe transportation system for Davison County. Creating safe and reliable transportation for today and tomorrow.


Rusty Weinberg-Superintendent

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (605) 995-8625
Fax: (605) 995-8624

Mailing Address:
1224 West 5th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Office Hours:   Mon-Fri: 8:00-5:00

Shop Hours:   Mon-Thu: 7:30-4:00




Responsible for the coordination of the maintenance of the Davison County Highway system. Functions as project coordinator on gravel, bridge, and right-of-way projects as well as other necessary jobs and activities. The highway department may be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week including all holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Maintenance and snow removal will be provided by the Davison County Highway shop for all township roads except for those located in Prosper and Rome. Any problems with the roads in those townships should be directed to the Township Chairman. To find out who your chairman is, click on Township Board Members.

JOB OPPURTUNITIES: Currently none available

All flood damage must be reported on the Damage Assessment Site Worksheet-Roads and Culverts

To access a video on how to complete the form, click on PDA Video Link

To access the 2-27-2018 Township Board Member Presentation, click on Township Presentation-Highway & Weed Department

Davison County conducted a Master Transportation plan. To find out more, click the link below:

County Highway 5 Year Plan

Davison County 5 year plan (2024-2028)


2020 Speed Zone Resolution

Regulation of speed on county highways and enforcement of the same by appropriate fines is consistent with the purpose of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the public welfare of Davison County residents

2020 RESOLUTION-Speed Zones

All roads will remain at the current speed limits except for the following roads which have been decreased

  • 262nd Street from 409th Avenue to 410th Avenue—-45 mph
  • 263rd Street from 409th Avenue to 410th Avenue—-45 mph
  • 264th Street from 409th Avenue to 410th Avenue—-45 mph


2024 Highway Bids


Road Closures/Highway Construction Projects for 2024. For full description see below

  • Blacktop Mat Overlay-May to June 
  • Chipseal-July 1st to August 1st 
  • Gravel Roads-July to August
  • Patching Roads-June to August
  • Crack Sealing-March to April (weather dependent)
  • Bridge Repair-March to November (weather dependent)

*for a video on how our projects are done click below

The Davison County Highway would like to thank the public for their cooperation and patience while construction, paving projects, crack sealing and gravel projects are being completed. Thank you. Rusty Weinberg, Superintendent 


Road Load Limits

The Spring load limits are no longer in effect

Spring weight limit resolution

Special Spring Overweight or Oversize Permits can be downloaded below

Regular Overweight or Oversize Permits can be downloaded below


Overwidth-Annual   $75.00
Overwidth-3 day Trip   $50.00
Overweight-Annual   $300.00
Overweight-3 Day Trip   $150.00

* Permits must be approved and signed by the Davison County Highway Superintendent before the permit is legal.


Private Land Driveway Approach Applications can be downloaded below


Snow Removal Policy

Davison County Snow Removal Procedure