February 10, 2025

State’s Attorney


Welcome!  The State’s Attorney duties include representing the State of South Dakota in criminal and juvenile court, and advising and when necessary defending Davison County in civil matters.

The Davison County State’s Attorney is a full-time position. The State’s Atrorney works with local law enforcement including the Mitchell Police Department, Davison County Sheriff’s office, South Dakota Highway Patrol and the Department of Game, Fish and Parks, to enforce the laws of South Dakota.

The State’s Attorney makes all final charging decisions in regard to violations of the law and prosecutes those charged with crimes in court.

State’s Attorney


Jim Miskimins

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (605) 995-8627
Fax: (605) 995-8629

Mailing Address:
Davison County State’s Attorney
1015 South Miller Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301


Administrator: Jim Miskimins, State’s Attorney Office: (605) 995-8627
Office Location: Public Safety Building
Email: [email protected] Fax: (605) 995-8629
Chief Deputy State’s Attorney: Robert T. O’Keefe Office: (605) 995-8627
Email: [email protected] Fax: (605) 995-8629
Primary Responsibilities: Criminal Prosecution


Deputy State’s Attorney: James D. Taylor Office: (605) 996-3882
Office Location: P.O. Box 6, 520 N. Lawler St.
Mitchell, South Dakota 57301
Email: [email protected] Fax: (605) 996-3884
Primary Responsibilities: Lead Civil Deputy State’s Attorney providing legal counsel to county elected and appointed officials
Office Location: Same as James D. Taylor above Fax: (605) 996-3884
Primary Responsibilities: Representation of State in Juvenile Matters

Jim Miskimins, State’s Attorney

Jim is a highly accomplished attorney with broad legal knowledge who has provided counsel to government and private organizations for 24 years. Thorough in analyzing statutes, ordinances and data. He is a trial lawyer who communicates clearly and effectively with law enforcement, victims, opposing council, jurors and judges and develops lasting professional relationships.

Jim was born in Wessington Springs, South Dakota, however, was raised in Mitchell. He is married to Jeanice Miskimins and has two children.

Professional Organizations:

  • American Bar Association (ABA) – 1989-Present
  • South Dakota State’s Attorney’s Association – 2004-Present – Board of Directors 2012-2013
  • State Bar of South Dakota – 1989-Present
  • State Bar of South Dakota Criminal Pattern Jury Instruction Committee – 2005-Present
  • Licensed to practice in all South Dakota Courts; United States District Court for the District of South Dakota; United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit; and United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of South Dakota

Work History

Davison County State’s Attorney-November, 2012 to Present
Davison County, SD – Mitchell, SD
Supervise the administration of civil, criminal, and juvenile caseload as chief executive of Davison County State’s Attorney’s Office – Assist county elected and appointed officials – Chief prosecutor and trial lawyer in criminal division

Partner-April, 1989 to November, 2012
Taylor & Miskimins, P.C. – Mitchell, SD
Engaged in a general practice law firm with significant responsibilities for assisting clients with a broad range of civil and criminal legal issues – Many years of experience as Davison County Deputy State’s Attorney, with primary responsibilities as trial lawyer and juvenile prosecutions.

Educational Background

University of Minnesota Law School – Minneapolis, MN – J.D.: Juris Doctor, 1988
South Dakota State University – Brookings, SD – Bachelor of Science: Political Science, 1985
Mitchell Senior High School – Mitchell, SD – High School Diploma: 1981

Current Civic Activities

First United Methodist Church
Resurgam Lodge #31, A.F. & A.M.
Corn Palace Shrine Club, A.A.O.N.M.S.
Corn Palace Stampede Rodeo Committee, President
Engaged in family farming

Past Professional/Civic Activities

South Dakota Child Support Referee
Board member/President, Mitchell Area Adjustment Training Center (LifeQuest)
South Dakota Jaycees, Mitchell Chapter

Employment Opportunities: 

Youth Diversion Coordinator Job Description

Contact Us


Davison County State’s Attorney
1015 South Miller Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Telephone: 605-995-8627
Fax: 605-995-8629
Email: [email protected]