February 11, 2025

What to do if the Original Document is Lost

If you have lost or misplaced your original deed (or other legal document which has been recorded), you can obtain a certified copy from the Register of Deeds where the original document was recorded. A certified copy has the legal validity of the original document.

The Davison County Register of Deeds can provide certified or uncertified copies of documents recorded in the County since the late 1800’s. Copies of documents pertaining to the ownership of real estate located in Davison County are available from this office as well as copies of  mortgages, assignment of mortgages, contract for deeds, easements etc.

Certified copies can only be obtained from this office, in person or by mail.  The customer needs to provide specific information to be able to find the document such as book and page number. If you do not have the book and page number, we need to know the legal description, the grantor’s names and the grantees name and the approximate date of the document.

The cost, by law, for an uncertified document is $1.00 per page and for a certified copy the fee is $5.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each page thereafter no matter what format the document may be transmitted to you in. (fax, electronic, paper or microfilm)  In some instances there may be a search fee imposed. Please call office for details.

Once we have received the fee required by law for the documents, we can scan-email, mail or fax the documents. Some older documents and plats do not fax clearly depending on your receiving device and the quality of the document being faxed.  We can take credit cards over the phone, but there will be a $2.50 convenience fee assessed up to $83.00.  Anything over $83.00, the convenience fee is 3% of the total purchase.   (The convenience fee is charged by the company that provides the county with the credit card service thus costing the county no merchant fees whatsoever for providing this type of payment service.)

Contact Us


Davison County, Register of Deeds
Danna Kolbeck
200 East 4th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Telephone: 605-995-8616
Fax: 605-995-8648
Email: [email protected]