February 10, 2025

Filing Liens

Filing of County, Federal, Mechanic’s and State Liens

Documents to Download:

County Liens:

There are several types that the law allows the county to file in the Register of Deeds office. Those liens are care of poor, jail confinement liens, court appointed attorney and ambulance. These liens as a matter of law attach to any property that some one may own at the time the lien is taken against them or acquires after the lien was filed.

Federal and State Tax Liens:

The State and Federal Governments file several liens for all different kinds of non-payment of taxes, such as income tax, payroll taxes, sales tax, overpayment of unemployment insurance, excise tax etc.

These liens are computerized in an alphabetical index by the name of the debtor. You may search this index on our computer system at the courthouse yourself or obtain a lien search from us for a fee of $20.00 per name searched plus $1.00 per page for copies if requested. If you want us to search Federal and State Tax Liens there is a form that needs to be filled out. If you want any information concerning Federal Tax Liens over the phone we can give you that information verbally. There is a $15.00 search fee per person for any information communicated to you verbally.

Mechanic’s Liens

Mechanic’s and Materialmen’s Liens may be filed pursuant to SDCL 44-9 and all applicable subdivisions. We do not have forms for these liens to be filed in our office. Unfortunately, this is not a process that is so easily accomplished that an individual is assured of doing it correctly without the assistance of an attorney.

The fee for filing a Mechanic’s lien is $30.00 up to the first 50 pages and $2.00 per page thereafter. A satisfaction of the Mechanic’s Lien is filed for no fee. See South Dakota Codified Laws for providing proper notice to the parties the lien is being taken against.

The mechanic’s lien must be verified by the claimant in front of a notary as well as acknowledged in front of a notary. This usually requires the claimant and the notary signing the document twice; once in the verification and once in the acknowledgment. There are filing deadlines in order to make these liens valid. You will need to check with your attorney to find these dates out as they may vary depending on your circumstances and whether a “Notice of Commencement” has been filed.

If you do not have an attorney, the South Dakota Bar Association maintains a list. They can be reached at http://www.sdbar.org/ or:

222 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, South Dakota. Telephone No: 605-224-7554 or in state watts line of 1-800-952-2333

Contact Us


Davison County, Register of Deeds
Danna Kolbeck
200 East 4th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Telephone: 605-995-8616
Fax: 605-995-8648
Email: [email protected]